sábado, 31 de diciembre de 2011

Hot Nigga News!

Police find piromaniac causer of the Fire of the Paine Towers!

All starts in the creation of a bonfire, it in a bit of time was out of control. The response of all was a young man from Israel, Roter Singer, of 23 years old.

The police, with some help of the "GOPE of Carabineros" can do critical investigations, where Roter confesses that he did a bonfire until it starts to burn all the enviroment, causing the scape of he. He declare that he was drunk.

The government hass affirmed that they will talk with the embassador of Israel in Chile, Fuckencio Von Fapencio Smith to solve the hot problem.

Nowadays Roter is in preventive detention in Colina 3, in the jail of the assassins and rapists, due to the fact that there are not more jails in the surroundings.

Boko Haram attacks prompt Nigeria state of emergency

President Goodluck Jonathan declares a state of emergency.
Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan has declared a state of emergency in parts of the country following attacks from the Islamist group Boko Haram.
The measure is in force is areas of the Yobe and Borno states in the north-east, Plateau state in central Nigeria and Niger state in the east.
International borders in the affected areas have been temporarily closed.
Mr Jonathan vowed to "crush" Boko Haram, which killed dozens in attacks across the country on Christmas Day.
Announcing the state of emergency in a live televised address, Mr Jonathan said: "The temporary closure of our borders in the affected areas is only an interim measure designed to address the current security challenges."
There is growing concern that Boko Haram has developed a presence across the region.
Earlier this week, leaders of neighbouring Chad and Cameroon were reported to have held talks about how they can help prevent the violence spreading to their countries.

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