domingo, 25 de diciembre de 2011

Books, books, books, books.....Guess! Books x.x i´ll write about something that all the people love...: Books!(Yaaay)
I love read, but one thing that i hate about the books. I think that the books it´s something personal, and a via to scape from the (excuse me madame) F*cking boring world and (excuse me again o.o) the f*cking boring internet.

To start i have to talk about one of the first books that i read, and it´s....(Drumrolls)

The Little Prince

 Though ostensibly a children's book, The Little Prince makes several profound and idealistic observations about life and human nature. For example, Saint-Exupéry tells of a fox meeting the young prince during his travels on Earth. The story's essence is contained in the lines uttered by the fox to the little prince: On ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux. ("One sees clearly only with the heart. What is essential is invisible to the eye." Other key thematic messages are articulated by the fox, such as: "You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed" and "It is the time you have devoted to your rose that makes your rose so important."

Antoine Marie Jean-Baptiste Roger, comte de Saint Exupéry was a French writer, poet and pioneering aviator. He became a laureate of several of France's highest literary awards and in 1940 also won the U.S. National Book Award. He is best remembered for his novella The Little Prince (Le Petit Prince) and for his lyrical aviation writings, including Night Flight and Wind, Sand and Stars.He was a successful commercial pilot before World War II, working airmail routes in Europe, Africa and South America. At the outbreak of war he joined the Armée de l'Air (French Air Force), flying reconnaissance missions until France's armistice with Germany in 1940. After being demobilized from the French Air Force he voyaged to the United States to convince its government to quickly enter the war against Germany.

When i read this book, i can´t stop until i finish it. This is one of the best text that my eyes was eating in my 17 long ages. I recommend it to all the people of all the ages, to remeber to them that the child side of a person never dies.

Now, prepare your pants and don´t urinate please....

Hannibal Rising

Hannibal Rising is a novel written by Thomas Harris, published in 2006. It is a prequel to his three previous books featuring his character, the cannibalistic serial killer Dr. Hannibal Lecter. The novel was released with an initial printing of at least 1.5 million copiesand met with a mixed critical response. The novel was adapted  into a film of the same name in 2007, directed by Peter Webber.

Lecter is eight years old at the beginning of the novel (1941), living in Lecter Castle in Lithuania, when Operation Barbarossa, Hitler's invasion of the Soviet Union, turns the Baltic region into a part of the bloodiest front line of World War II. Lecter, his sister Mischa and his parents escape to the family's hunting lodge in the woods to elude the advancing German troops. After three years, the Nazis are finally driven out of the countries now occupied by the Soviet Union. During their retreat, however, a German Stuka destroys a Soviet tank that had stopped at the Lecter family's lodge looking for water. The explosion kills everyone but Lecter and Mischa. They survive in the cottage until six former Lithuanian militiamen, led by a Nazi collaborator named Vladis Grutas, storm and loot it. Finding no other food, they kill and cannibalize Mischa, while Lecter watches helplessly. He blacks out and is later found wandering and mute by a Soviet tank crew that takes him back to Lecter Castle, which is now a Soviet orphanage. Lecter is irreparably traumatized by the ordeal, and develops a savage obsession with avenging his sister's death.


Little is known about Harris's personal life as he avoids publicity and has not given an interview since 1976. At Baylor University he met and married a fellow student named Harriet. They had one daughter, Anne, before they divorced in the 1960s.  Fellow novelist Stephen King has remarked that if writing is sometimes tedious for other authors, to Harris it is like "writhing on the floor in agonies of frustration", because, for Harris, "the very act of writing is a kind of torment". Harris remains close to his mother, Polly, and reportedly calls her every night, no matter where he is, and often discusses particular scenes from his work with her. He currently lives in South Florida with his long-term partner Pace Barnes, a publishing editor, and has a summer home in Sag Harbor, New York.Harris' friend and literary agent Morton Janklow said of him: "He's one of the good guys. He is big, bearded and wonderfully jovial. If you met him, you would think he was a choirmaster. He loves cooking—he's done the Le Cordon Bleu exams—and it's great fun to sit with him in the kitchen while he prepares a meal and see that he's as happy as a clam. He has these old-fashioned manners, a courtliness you associate with the South."

When i read the book, as the other, i can´t stop my eyes. Before of read it i saw the film, and the best of it is that the film is identical as the text. You can enjoy how a trauma can turns in a reason to live, and a reason to kill.

1 comentario:

  1. haha I agree that books are personal, and the book "Little Prince" is appealing (:
